What we do

The energy industry is at a tipping point. Ever since the discovery of coal as an energy source, new energy revolutions have taken place every 20 to 30 years: from wood to coal, to diesel, to natural gas, to efficient electrical heating such as heat pumps. In the last two decades, wind and solar energy have been the primary sources of energy generation. We believe that solar power is the last and final revolution in the energy industry, the one energy source that has the ability to render fossil fuels obsolete.

PowerTree’s core business is to develop, build and manage solar power plants. By combining our expertise with investment capital, we create profitable and durable solar energy projects globally.

Our expertise

Our team of 12 professionals have backgrounds in renewable energy development, infrastructure investment, project management, engineering, consulting and financial modelling. This unique mix of qualities creates a team with the knowledge and expertise to efficiently deliver the energy transition to emerging markets.

Originate, negotiate and work closely with local co-developers to get projects ready-to-build (RTB)

Execute projects end-to-end considering risks at every stage

Arrange construction and long-term finance on competitive terms

Manage leading EPC contractors on fixed-price contracts

Manage transaction legal, tax, accounting and technical advisers

Perform asset manager role on commissioned solar assets

Core activities

Solar power

We believe solar power is the best source of renewable energy. This is why we focus solely on solar power to create competitively-priced, reliable clean energy for businesses and communities throughout the world.

Over the last decade, the technical development of solar panels has shown tremendous progress. Besides, solar energy has seen an ever increasing adoption level by both consumers and corporations. Twenty years ago, solar energy was not taken seriously. Nowadays, solar parks are a familiar sight the world over. Cost prices have decreased to nearly one fiftieth of the cost price in the year 2000, making solar panels an attractive solution for consumers, corporations and investors alike.

Our team works with local experts to develop and own future-proof renewable energy projects. PowerTree’s first projects are currently under development in Chile and Brazil. Our goal is to build, own and operate 2.5 GWp of solar assets by 2025 – enough to power approximately 400,000 households per year.

Energy storage

Thanks to our inhouse experience in energy storage, PowerTree has access to world class technology to deliver bankable energy storage solutions backed by reliable technical partners.

We are able to incorporate energy storage solutions into the projects we develop, from Uninterruptible Power Supply, Frequency Regulation solutions, Peak Avoidance energy shifting all the way down to daily, weekly and seasonal energy storage. We understand that every site has specific needs, and we analyse its unique requirements to deliver bespoke solutions for each project.

We specialize in combining compatible technologies to deliver services which optimise the energy value to all stakeholders – from investors to end-users. At this moment we are already including in our planning 36MWh of behind–the–meter energy storage for our projects under development. By the end of 2021 we expect in excess of 240MWh of battery storage capacity in our portfolio.

Target groups

PowerTree focuses on two main target groups: investors on one hand and local developers on the other.

Investors help us build a carbon-free future

PowerTree advises financial institutions in the origination, analysis and negotiation of investments in solar energy assets. We provide a unique platform for dynamic, fast-growing energy transition investments. Our investment professionals work across different geographies and provide a strong backbone for investment execution and support portfolio management teams. PowerTree has a reliable team with extensive experience that can deliver seamlessly – development, construction, operation and asset management of plants.

We collaborate with investors who are targeting renewable, sustainable or impact investments, in line with our company values. For this cohort, PowerTree is the reliable partner of choice, thanks to our extensive expertise in the renewable energy industry combined with our deep knowledge of energy transition investments. As an IPP (Independent Power Producer), we highly value investors who help us achieve our mission to create a fully decarbonised world within our lifetime.

“Anyone standing in the way of solar market growth will be left standing on the wrong side of history”

– Joe Biden, president of the USA

Local developers are crucial for a successful execution

PowerTree operates globally. We are able to do this because of collaborations with local solar developers: trustworthy partners that are carefully selected, based on our company values’ standards. Our co-developers play a crucial role in PowerTree’s successes. Only by optimising each project for the local needs and requirements – and by following local rules and regulations – we can produce efficient solar plants.

In every country we operate PowerTree has a country manager. The country manager functions as a hub with our local developers, thus ensuring a smooth and efficient process in every step of the project’s development.

Our partners

PowerTree has formed many partnerships since its origin. These are some of the partners we work with: